
All posts tagged noninteractive by Linux Bash
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    In the world of Linux, Bluetooth management is primarily conducted through a well-recognized tool called bluetoothctl, part of the BlueZ toolset. Managing Bluetooth devices from the command line may often require interaction, which could be a bit clumsy for automated scripts. How can you then use bluetoothctl in a non-interactive script to pair devices? This blog delves into that exact question. A: bluetoothctl is a command-line utility that provides a way to configure Bluetooth devices on Linux. It operates in an interactive shell mode where you can execute various commands to set up and manage Bluetooth connections.
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    Creating a RAM disk in a Linux system might sound like a task reserved for experts, but it’s quite straightforward once you understand the basics. This digital endeavor can significantly speed up the operations that require frequent disk reads/writes by leveraging the high-speed nature of RAM. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to setup a RAM disk using tmpfs, a common temporary file storage filesystem in Linux. Q: What is a RAM disk? A: A RAM disk is a portion of RAM that your system uses as if it were a disk drive. It is much faster than using a physical disk because RAM has a higher speed of data access. The data stored in a RAM disk is temporary as it gets erased when the system shuts down or reboots.
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    In the realm of server management and remote operations, SSH (Secure Shell) is an indispensable tool for secure communications. However, while automating SSH commands, the challenge of non-interactively supplying the password poses a barrier. sshpass is a utility designed to handle this scenario, but its use brings up valid concerns regarding the secure handling of passwords. In this blog, we will explore how to use sshpass effectively and safely. A1: sshpass is a utility for non-interactively performing password authentication with SSH's so-called "password" authentication method.