
All posts tagged disown by Linux Bash
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    In Linux and Unix systems, handling background processes efficiently is a crucial skill for users and administrators alike. Daemons – background processes that run independently of user sessions – can sometimes crash or terminate unexpectedly upon logout due to the SIGHUP (hangup) signal. In this article, we'll explore how to create a daemon that survives this hangup signal using the nohup and disown commands. Q1: What is a SIGHUP signal, and why does it affect running processes? A1: The SIGHUP signal is a signal sent to a process when its controlling terminal is closed. It was originally designed to notify the process of a telephone or modem hangup.
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    In the intricate dance of managing processes and jobs in a Bash environment, understanding the right commands can feel like uncovering hidden superpowers. Today, we’re focusing on one such command: disown, and specifically, how to use the -r option to manage running jobs effectively. A: The disown command in Bash is used primarily to remove jobs from the current shell’s job table. This effectively means that the shell forgets about the jobs, which prevents it from sending a HUP (hangup) signal to them if the shell closes. This is particularly useful for ensuring long-running or background processes aren’t accidentally terminated when the initiating terminal is closed.