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Why `(( i++ ))` returns 1 if `i=0`, breaking `set -e`

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Blog Article: Exploring the Behavior of (( i++ )) in Bash and Its Interaction with set -e

Q: Why does (( i++ )) return 1 when i is initialized to 0, and what is its effect when using set -e in a Bash script?

A: When i is set to 0, the expression (( i++ )) first returns the value of i, and then increments i by 1. In the context of arithmetic expressions in Bash, a return value of 0 is considered "false", and any non-zero value is considered "true". Therefore, when i is 0, (( i++ )) evaluates the value of i (which is 0, thus "false"), and then increments i. Since the evaluation was "false", the return status of the command is 1, contrary to what might be intuitively expected.

When using set -e in Bash scripts, the shell is instructed to exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status (which is typically indicative of an error). Hence, if (( i++ )) is used when i is 0 under set -e, the script will terminate unexpectedly because the return status is 1 (error state).

Background on the Topic

To better understand, here are simplified examples demonstrating similar concepts:

Example 1:

(( i++ ))
echo "The value of i is $i"  # Outputs: The value of i is 1

In this example, i starts as 0, (( i++ )) is executed making i equal to 1, and the script continues.

Example 2:

set -e
(( i++ ))
echo "This line will not be reached if i starts at 0."

Here, because of set -e, the script exits right after trying to evaluate (( i++ )) when i is 0, as this is an error condition (returning 1).

Example 3: Arithmetic Context: Consider (( expression )) where any non-zero result of expression causes a return status of 0 (success), and a result of zero causes a return status of 1 (failure).

Executable Script Demonstrating Concepts

set -e

function test_increment {
    local i=$1
    echo "Testing with i=$i"
    (( i++ )) || true  # To avoid script exit due to set -e
    echo "After increment: i=$i"

echo "Example with set -e and handling failure:"
for initial_value in 0 1 2; do
    test_increment $initial_value

This script tests the (( i++ )) behavior with different initial values for i, showing how it would behave in a set -e environment by preventing script exit using || true.


Understanding how arithmetic operations and return statuses work in Bash is crucial for writing robust scripts, especially in environments where error handling and script stability are important. The case of (( i++ )) showcases an interesting aspect of Bash, where the logical interpretation of command success can differ from the common understanding due to how return values are defined in arithmetic contexts. Exploring such nuances helps in mastering script control flow and error handling in Bash.

Further Reading

For further reading on this topic, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Bash Scripting Tutorial - Arithmetic Operations
    A detailed guide on various arithmetic operations in Bash, including increments and error handling.
    Arithmetic Operations in Bash

  • Understanding set -e and Its Effect in Shell Scripts
    Discusses the set -e command and how it affects the behavior of shell scripts upon encountering an error.
    set -e in Bash Scripts

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Using (( )) and Similar Constructs
    An in-depth look at the arithmetic and logical constructs in Bash scripting.
    Advanced Bash-Scripting

  • Debugging Bash scripts - A comprehensive guide
    This guide offers techniques for debugging Bash scripts, which can be crucial when dealing with tricky issues like those discussed in the article.
    Debugging Bash Scripts

  • Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts
    Offers strategies to write more reliable and maintainable Bash scripts, including error handling insights similar to those discussed.
    Writing Reliable Bash Scripts

These resources provide more in-depth information on the nuances of Bash scripting, which can complement the understanding of arithmetic expressions and error handling mechanisms discussed.