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Using tmux or screen within scripts for session management

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Harnessing the Power of tmux and screen in Automation with Linux Bash Scripts

When managing remote servers or running long scripts that require persistence beyond a typical SSH session, tools like tmux and screen come to the rescue. These programs allow users to detach and reattach to terminal sessions, maintaining the running processes uninterrupted. This can be incredibly useful in many scenarios, from long-running data processes to persistent server management. Today, we'll delve into how to use these tools within your Bash scripts effectively and detail the installation process for different Linux distributions using various package managers including apt, dnf, and zypper.

What are tmux and screen?

Both tmux and screen are "terminal multiplexers." They allow a user to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single console window or remote terminal session. The significant advantage here is that sessions continue to run even when their window is not currently visible or even when you disconnect entirely.

Installing tmux and screen

Before diving into the scripting, ensure that you have tmux or screen installed on your system. The installation commands vary depending on your Linux distribution:

Debian/Ubuntu (using apt)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tmux
sudo apt install screen

Fedora (using dnf)

sudo dnf install tmux
sudo dnf install screen

openSUSE (using zypper)

sudo zypper install tmux
sudo zypper install screen

Using tmux and screen within Bash Scripts

Let's explore how both can be utilized in Bash scripts to enhance your automation capabilities.

Scripting with tmux

tmux can be particularly helpful when you need to run multiple commands or processes in parallel or keep them running after ending the SSH session. Here’s a basic example:

# - Example of using tmux within a script

# Start a new tmux session
tmux new-session -d -s mysession

# Split the window into two panes
tmux split-window -h

# Select pane 0, run top command
tmux send-keys -t mysession:0.0 'top' C-m 

# Select pane 1, navigate to a directory and list contents
tmux send-keys -t mysession:0.1 'cd /var/log' C-m
tmux send-keys -t mysession:0.1 'ls -al' C-m

# Attach to the session
tmux attach-session -t mysession

This script initially creates a new tmux session, runs top in the first pane, and lists the contents of /var/log in the second pane.

Scripting with screen

screen is simpler but still very powerful, providing robust session management functionalities. Below is a simple script using screen:

# - Example of using screen within a script

# Start a new screen session in detached mode
screen -dmS myscreen

# Create a window named 'top'
screen -S myscreen -X screen -t top

# Send commands to first window
screen -S myscreen -p 0 -X stuff $'top\n'

# Create another window named 'logs'
screen -S myscreen -X screen -t logs

# Run ls command in the new window
screen -S myscreen -p 1 -X stuff $'cd /var/log\nls -al\n'

# Detach from screen
screen -S myscreen -X detach

This script creates a new detached screen session, opens two windows running different commands, and detaches.

Tips for Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Include error handling in your scripts to manage sessions smoothly in case of failures.
  2. Cleanup Sessions: Always ensure that unused sessions are cleaned up or killed to free up system resources.
  3. Naming Sessions: Name your tmux or screen sessions descriptively, so it’s easy to identify and manage them.


Integrating tmux or screen into your Bash scripts can significantly enhance your ability to manage long-running or complex scripts across sessions and reconnections. They are indispensable tools in the arsenal of system administrators and developers working with remote or local Unix-like systems. Give them a try in your next project, and experience a robust way to manage processes and automate with more flexibility.

Further Reading

For further reading on using tmux and screen within scripts for session management, consider exploring these resources:

  1. Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference:

    • URL: Tmux Cheat Sheet
    • This cheat sheet provides quick commands and shortcuts for tmux, aiding users to accelerate their productivity.
  2. GNU Screen: Introduction and Beginners Guide:

    • URL: GNU Screen Guide
    • This guide offers a comprehensive introduction to GNU Screen, suitable for beginners and those seeking to deepen their knowledge.
  3. Using Tmux and Screen for SSH Session Management:

    • URL: Tmux and Screen with SSH
    • This DigitalOcean tutorial dives into managing SSH sessions using tmux and screen, providing practical examples.
  4. Automate Tasks Using Bash Scripts with Tmux:

    • URL: Automating with Bash and Tmux
    • Linode’s guide on automating repetitive tasks using tmux within Bash scripts, ideal for system administrators.
  5. Advanced Scripting with Screen:

    • URL: Advanced Screen Scripting
    • IBM Developer offers advanced techniques and scripts for using Screen effectively in complex environments.