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Use `wait -n` to wait for the next completed background job

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Blog Article: Mastering Linux Bash with wait -n

Question and Answer Section

Q1: What does the wait -n command do in a Linux Bash shell?

A1: The wait -n command in Linux Bash is used to pause the execution of a script until the next background job completes. It's particularly useful in scripts where you have multiple parallel processes running and you need to perform actions as soon as one of them finishes.

Q2: How is wait -n different from the regular wait command?

A2: The basic wait command without any options waits for all child processes to complete and returns the exit status of the last process to finish. On the other hand, wait -n waits only for the next background job to finish, not all of them. This allows the script to continue with other tasks as soon as any single background job is done.

Q3: Can you give a practical example where wait -n might be useful?

A3: Sure! Imagine you've launched several data processing scripts in the background, and you want to immediately process the results of whichever completes first. By using wait -n, you can start processing the first result that's ready, without waiting for all the other tasks to finish as well.

Background: Further Insights and Simple Examples

The Linux command wait -n can significantly optimize scripts involving multiple subprocesses. Typically, bash scripts execute commands sequentially, but when you run commands in the background (using &), they execute concurrently. This concurrency can save time, but managing it can get complex. wait -n simplifies this by letting you handle tasks as soon as they complete, improving script efficiency.

Simple Example

Let's say you have a script that downloads three large files simultaneously:

wget -bq
wget -bq
wget -bq

wait -n
echo "One of the downloads has completed!"

The wget -bq commands run in the background. The wait -n command holds the script until any of the downloads complete. After that, the script immediately notifies the user.

Executable Script: Demonstrating the Power of wait -n

Let’s create a script that involves compressing several directories simultaneously and uses wait -n:


echo "Starting to compress directories..."

# Compress directories in the background
tar -czf dir1.tar.gz /path/to/dir1 &>/dev/null &
tar -czf dir2.tar.gz /path/to/dir2 &>/dev/null &
tar -czf dir3.tar.gz /path/to/dir3 &>/dev/null &

# Wait for the first compression to complete
wait -n
echo "At least one directory has been compressed."

# Check which tar files have been created
ls *.tar.gz

# Wait for all compressions to complete
echo "All directories have been compressed."

In this script, wait -n is used to notify when the first compression task completes. We then list out all the tar.gz files present, followed by another wait to ensure all compressing tasks complete before the script concludes.


The wait -n command is a powerful tool in Bash scripting that can help manage and optimize processes that run concurrently. By effectively using this command, scripts can be made more efficient and responsive, handling tasks right when they're ready rather than only after all parallel processes are done. Whether you're a system administrator, developer, or IT professional, incorporating wait -n in your scripts can enhance performance and reliability of your automated tasks.

Further Reading

For further reading and understanding related to managing Linux processes and scripts, consider exploring the following resources:

  1. Detailed Explanation of Bash wait Command:

  2. Concurrency in Bash Scripting:

  3. Optimizing Linux Bash Scripts:

  4. Introduction to Bash Scripting:

  5. Advanced Techniques in Shell Scripting:

    • URL:
    • "Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide" that discusses scripting quirks and how to handle them effectively using various commands, including wait.