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Use `exec {fd}<>file` to open a file for both reading and writing without knowing the FD number

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Understanding exec {fd}<>file in Linux Bash: A Closer Look

Welcome to today's deep dive into an effective but less commonly known bash scripting technique. Today, we're exploring the use of the exec {fd}<>file construct, which opens up powerful possibilities for file handling in bash scripts.

Q&A on exec {fd}<>file in Bash

Q1: What does exec {fd}<>file do in a Bash script? A1: The exec {fd}<>file command is used to open a file for both reading and writing. {fd} automatically assigns a file descriptor to the file named file. This means that the file is attached to a newly allocated file descriptor (other than 0, 1, or 2, which are reserved for stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively).

Q2: Why is it useful not to specify the FD (File Descriptor) number manually? A2: By not specifying the file descriptor number manually, bash automatically picks an unused file descriptor. This helps prevent conflicts with file descriptors that are already in use, therefore, reducing the risk of scripting errors and making the script more robust and portable.

Q3: Can you explain the syntax {fd}<>file? A3: Absolutely! In the syntax {fd}<>file, the <> operator is used for opening a file in read/write mode. The {fd} is a placeholder where the actual file descriptor number is assigned by bash itself. After this operation, {fd} can be used to refer to the file in subsequent commands.

Q4: Does this command create a file if it does not exist? A4: No, the exec {fd}<>file command does not create a file if it does not already exist; attempting to open a non-existent file this way will result in an error. If you need to ensure that the file exists, you might use touch file before using exec {fd}<>file.

Background and Further Explanations

The exec {fd}<>file mechanism is part of a broader set of file descriptor management features in bash. It's especially useful in scenarios where both reading from and writing to a file are required intermittently throughout the script.

Simple Examples:

  • Example 1: Open a file and write to it.

    exec {fd}<>myfile.txt
    echo "Hello, World!" >&${fd}
  • Example 2: Read from the same file.

    exec {fd}<>myfile.txt
    cat <&${fd}

These examples demonstrate the basic use, but the feature truly shines in more advanced scripting contexts, particularly where file descriptors need careful management.

Executable Script: Demonstrating Read and Write Operations

Here's a more involved script that demonstrates how to use exec {fd}<>file to write data, read it back, and append new data.


# Open file descriptor
exec {fd}<>example.txt

# Write to file
echo "Initial line of text" >&${fd}

# Move back to the beginning of the file
seek=$(echo -n "Initial line of text" | wc -c)
echo "Seeking back $seek bytes"
exec {fd}<example.txt

# Read from file
head -n 1 <&${fd}

# Append another line
echo "Second line of text" >&${fd}

# Close file descriptor
exec {fd}>&-

echo "Content of 'example.txt' now:"
cat example.txt

This script initializes a file with a line of text, reads it back, and appends a second line. Finally, it closes the file descriptor and displays the full content.

Summary Conclusion

The exec {fd}<>file construct in bash provides a flexible and efficient way to handle file I/O operations within scripts. It minimizes potential errors from manual file descriptor management and makes the script more maintainable and less prone to bugs. Leveraging automatic file descriptor assignment can empower developers and sysadmins alike, providing them a powerful tool in their scripting arsenal.

Further Reading

For further reading on file descriptors and advanced scripting in Bash, consider the following resources:

These resources offer both foundational knowledge and more advanced techniques related to file handling and script automation in bash.