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Use `exec 3>&1` to redirect a subshell’s output to a parent’s fd

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Blog Article: Using exec 3>&1 to Redirect a Subshell’s Output in Bash


In Linux shell scripting, managing inputs and outputs efficiently can greatly enhance the functionality and flexibility of your scripts. One interesting feature of Bash is file descriptor manipulation, particularly using exec to manage and redirect output streams. Today, we will explore how to use exec 3>&1 to redirect a subshell's output to a parent's file descriptor (fd).

Q&A on Using exec 3>&1

Q1: What is exec in the context of Bash? A1: exec is a built-in Bash command used to execute commands in the current shell environment without creating a new process. When used with redirection, it affects the file descriptors in the current shell.

Q2: What does 3>&1 mean? A2: In Bash, File Descriptors (FDs) are integer numbers that uniquely identify an open file or a stream. By default, FD 0 is the standard input, FD 1 is the standard output, and FD 2 is the standard error. 3>&1 means making file descriptor 3 point to wherever FD 1 (standard output) is currently pointing.

Q3: How does exec 3>&1 help in redirecting a subshell’s output? A3: exec 3>&1 creates a new file descriptor, 3, and makes it an alias to the standard output (FD 1) of the current shell. This can be particularly useful when you need to capture the output of a subshell for further processing while still displaying it.

Q4: Can you give an example of a practical use case of exec 3>&1? A4: A common use case is when you want to capture the output of a subshell in a variable while also allowing the output to be displayed on the terminal. This technique is often used in debugging or logging complex scripts.

Background and Further Explanation

Simple Examples of Redirections

Before diving deeper, let's first look at some basic redirection operations:

  • Standard Output Redirection: echo "Hello, World!" > output.txt redirects the output of echo to a file named output.txt.

  • Standard Error Redirection: ls non_existent_file 2> error.log redirects the error message from ls to error.log.

  • Using exec for Redirection: exec 2> error.log will redirect all subsequent standard error outputs to error.log.

Using exec 3>&1 in a Script

Consider a scenario where we are interested in both capturing and displaying the output:


# Redirect file descriptor 3 to stdout, capture it in a variable, and also display it
exec 3>&1
output=$(echo "Hello, World!" | tee /dev/fd/3)

echo "Captured Output: $output"

In the above script, tee /dev/fd/3 allows the output of echo to be both captured in the variable and displayed on the terminal via FD 3.

Executable Script Demonstration


# Capture and display output from a subshell
exec 3>&1
subshell_output=$( { echo "Executing a complex command."; ls -l; uname -a; } | tee /dev/fd/3)

# Use the captured output for further processing
echo "Captured Subshell Output:"
echo "$subshell_output"


The redirection capabilities of Bash, especially through the use of exec, provide powerful tools for script writers to control and manipulate script output efficiently. By using exec 3>&1, script developers can capture complex subshell outputs while still displaying them in real-time, which is invaluable for debugging and logging. Understanding and utilizing these features can significantly enhance script robustness and readability.

Further Reading

To deepen understanding about file descriptor manipulation and advanced output redirection in bash scripts, consider the following resources:

  • Understanding Bash: Elements of Programming: Open Books Project

    • This resource provides a comprehensive look at Bash scripting, including advanced topics on file descriptors and redirection.
  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:

    • Here, you can find detailed explanations that expand on complex uses of exec for I/O management in shell scripts.
  • Redirection Tutorial:

    • A tutorial focusing on redirection in Linux, including practical examples and common pitfalls new scriptwriters might encounter.
  • Using File Descriptors in Bash Scripts:

    • This article breaks down file descriptors into a simple, understandable format, explaining their association with streams in bash.
  • Debugging Bash scripts with exec:

    • A guide that discusses various debugging techniques which can utilize exec, highlighting how to capture output for analysis without disrupting the user experience.