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Use `disown -r` to remove all running jobs from the job table

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Blog Article: Mastering Job Control in Bash with disown -r

In the intricate dance of managing processes and jobs in a Bash environment, understanding the right commands can feel like uncovering hidden superpowers. Today, we’re focusing on one such command: disown, and specifically, how to use the -r option to manage running jobs effectively.

Q: What does the disown command do in Linux Bash?

A: The disown command in Bash is used primarily to remove jobs from the current shell’s job table. This effectively means that the shell forgets about the jobs, which prevents it from sending a HUP (hangup) signal to them if the shell closes. This is particularly useful for ensuring long-running or background processes aren’t accidentally terminated when the initiating terminal is closed.

Q: How does the -r option modify the behavior of disown?

A: The -r option with disown tells the command to remove only the running jobs from the job table. This is especially useful when you want to ensure that any jobs that are still executing continue to run even after the shell exits, while not affecting any jobs that have been stopped or paused.

Background on Job Control in Bash

Job control is a feature of the Bash shell that allows users to manage and manipulate multiple processes or jobs within a session. Here’s a breakdown of basic job control commands:

  • jobs: Lists all current jobs along with their statuses.

  • bg: Continues a stopped job by running it in the background.

  • fg: Brings a job to the foreground and resumes it if it was stopped.

  • kill: Sends a signal to a job, commonly used to terminate a job.

Using disown is part of this suite of controls, providing a method to detach processes from the session so they can continue running independently.

Simple Examples & Explanations

Here are some scenarios illustrating the use of disown in a typical Bash session:

  1. Start a process, disown it immediately:

    $ long-running-process &
    $ disown

    This command sequence starts long-running-process in the background (&) and then immediately disowns it, making sure it won’t be terminated when the session ends.

  2. Only disown running jobs:

    $ long-running-process &
    $ another-process &
    $ stop some-process
    $ disown -r

    In this case, disown -r would disown all background processes except for some-process which was stopped.

Demonstrative Bash Script

To better understand the power of disown -r, here's a simple script you can run:


# Start several processes in the background
for i in {1..5}; do
    sleep 300 &

echo "Started processes:"

# Disown all running jobs
disown -r

# Display the job table

# Wait for a moment and then display alert
sleep 5
echo "Running processes have been disowned and will continue to run."

This script will start five instances of the sleep command, each set to run for 5 minutes in the background. It lists the jobs, then disowns all running jobs, and finally confirms that the jobs have been removed from the job table but are still running.


The disown -r command in Bash is an invaluable tool for managing long-running background jobs, ensuring they outlive the terminal session that started them. By mastering disown and other job control commands, you can more effectively manage processes in your Unix or Linux environment, leveraging Bash's full capabilities to your advantage.

Further Reading

Here are some useful resources for further reading on job control in Bash and related topics:

  • Understanding Linux Job Control: Dive deeper into managing background processes in Linux. Visit Website

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Explore comprehensive details about scripting and job controls in Bash. Read More

  • Effectively Using Job Control in Bash: A practical guide on implementing job control in real-world scenarios. Read Here

  • Managing Background Processes with disown and nohup: Learn about keeping processes running after logging out. See Guide

  • Using disown In Bash Scripts: Detailed examples of script integration for disown in background process management. Explore More

These additional resources should enhance your understanding and application of job control commands in Bash, including scenarios and scripting.