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Use `declare -n` for indirect variable references

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Mastering Indirect References in Bash with declare -n

Q&A on Using declare -n in Bash

Q1: What is the declare -n command in Bash?

A1: The declare -n command in Bash creates a nameref, or a name reference, to another variable. This means that the nameref variable points to the original variable, allowing you to access or modify its value indirectly.

Q2: How can declare -n be practically used in scripts?

A2: declare -n is very useful in scenarios where you need to dynamically reference variables based on runtime conditions. For example, it can be used in functions to modify variables that are passed as arguments without having to know their names in advance.

Q3: Can you provide a simple example of declare -n?

A3: Sure! Let's say you have two variables, var1 and var2, and based on some condition, you want to update one of them via a function:


updateValue() {
    local name=$1
    declare -n ref=$name
    ref=$((ref + 10))

updateValue var1
echo "var1 is now $var1"  # Output will be: var1 is now 20

In this example, declare -n ref=$name creates a nameref ref that points to var1, and changes to ref will affect var1.

Background: Understanding declare -n with Simple Examples

Indirect references can sometimes be confusing. Here's a bit more background on the topic with simpler examples:

Example 1: Swapping Variables


swap() {
    declare -n first=$1
    declare -n second=$2
    local temp=$first

swap a b
echo "a: $a, b: $b"  # Output will be: a: Banana, b: Apple

This script swaps the values of a and b using namerefs.

Example 2: Configurable Function Output


performCalculation() {
    local returnType=$1
    declare -n resultVar=$returnType
    resultVar=42  # Simulating some calculation result assignment.

performCalculation result1
echo "Result1: $result1"  # Output will be: Result1: 42

By using declare -n, the function performCalculation can dynamically decide where to store its result.


The declare -n in Bash opens up a new dimension of flexible scripting by allowing indirect and dynamic references to variables. This can greatly simplify complex scripts where variable names need to vary at runtime. As with any powerful feature, it comes with the responsibility to ensure it's used wisely to keep scripts readable and maintainable.

Further Reading

For further reading on advanced Bash scripting techniques including declare -n, consider these resources:

  • Bash Reference Manual - Nameref: An official detailed description of nameref usage in Bash scripts. Visit Link

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Discusses complex details of scripting, including indirect references. Visit Link

  • Nameref in Detail: This article provides a deeper understanding of the nameref declaration and its practical applications. Visit Link

  • Examples and Use Cases for declare -n: Offers application scenarios and coded examples to utilize declare -n effectively. Visit Link

  • Stack Overflow Discussions on declare -n: Real-world issues and solutions from the community on using nameref in Bash. Visit Link