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Use `coproc` for bidirectional communication with a process

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Understanding coproc in Bash for Bidirectional Communication

In the world of Linux Bash scripting, managing processes efficiently can greatly enhance the functionality and responsiveness of scripts. One less commonly known yet powerful feature is coproc, which allows for bidirectional communication with subprocesses. Below, we delve into some common questions regarding coproc and explore its practical applications.

Q1: What exactly is coproc in Bash?

coproc is a keyword introduced in Bash version 4.0. It allows you to create a coprocess, that is, to start a subprocess that your script can then communicate with via two file descriptors: one for input and another for output. This facilitates bidirectional communication between your main script and the subprocess.

Q2: How does coproc differ from pipes in Bash?

While pipes are also used for inter-process communication in Bash, they are unidirectional, meaning data flows in only one direction. coproc extends this functionality by allowing data to flow both ways. You can write to and read from the subprocess, making it more dynamic for complex scripting tasks.

Q3: Can you provide a simple example of how to use coproc?

Certainly! Here's a basic example:


# Starting a coprocess with `cat` command
coproc CAT_PROCESS { cat; }

# Writing to the coprocess
echo "Hello, coprocess!" >&${CAT_PROCESS[1]}

# Reading from the coprocess
read answer <&${CAT_PROCESS[0]}

# Output the answer
echo "Received from coprocess: $answer"

# Close the file descriptors
exec {CAT_PROCESS[0]}<&-
exec {CAT_PROCESS[1]}>&-

In this script, cat acts as a simple echo server, echoing back whatever is sent to it. We write a message to cat, and then read it back.

Background on coproc Usage

Utilizing coproc in scripts can be advantageous for handling subprocesses where two-way communication is required. It opens up possibilities like sophisticated text processing, real-time data filtration, or interacting with network sockets directly within scripts.

Additional Examples

Consider a scenario where you want to interact with a Bash script that performs calculations:


coproc CALCULATOR { bc -l; }

# Sending calculations to 'bc' coprocess
echo "scale=2; 22/7" >&${CALCULATOR[1]}

# Reading result of calculation
read pi_value <&${CALCULATOR[0]}
echo "Calculated value of pi: $pi_value"

# Close the file descriptors
exec {CALCULATOR[0]}<&-
exec {CALCULATOR[1]}>&-

This example shows how coproc can be used with the calculator program bc to perform arithmetic operations in real-time.


The coproc feature in Bash opens up a plethora of possibilities for scripting by allowing more complex, responsive, and interactive scripts. Whether for managing long-running background tasks, real-time data processing, or server-side scripting, understanding and utilizing coproc can significantly enhance the capabilities of your Bash scripts.

Further Reading

For further reading on coproc and other advanced Bash scripting techniques, consider exploring these resources:

These links offer a diverse set of perspectives and complexity levels, ranging from beginner-friendly tutorials to more advanced discussions.