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Use `bluetoothctl` to pair devices non-interactively in a script

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Automating Bluetooth Device Pairing with bluetoothctl in Bash: A Q&A Guide

In the world of Linux, Bluetooth management is primarily conducted through a well-recognized tool called bluetoothctl, part of the BlueZ toolset. Managing Bluetooth devices from the command line may often require interaction, which could be a bit clumsy for automated scripts. How can you then use bluetoothctl in a non-interactive script to pair devices? This blog delves into that exact question.

Q1: What is bluetoothctl?

A: bluetoothctl is a command-line utility that provides a way to configure Bluetooth devices on Linux. It operates in an interactive shell mode where you can execute various commands to set up and manage Bluetooth connections.

Q2: Why would you need to use bluetoothctl non-interactively?

A: Typically, you would want to use it non-interactively in environments where manual interaction is not possible or practical. This is commonly needed in scripts that automate the setup process of Bluetooth devices, such as in IoT setups, automated workstations, or server rooms where hands-on configuration isn't feasible.

Q3: How can you use bluetoothctl non-interactively?

A: bluetoothctl can be scripted by using the echo command to pipe in commands. This way, you can automate the execution of bluetoothctl commands without entering its interactive mode.

Q4: Can you provide a simple example of a script using bluetoothctl non-interactively?

A: Absolutely! Below is a basic example where a script pairs with a Bluetooth device using its MAC address:


# The MAC address of the Bluetooth device to pair

# Start the process
echo -e "power on\nagent on\ndefault-agent\npair $device\nconnect $device\nquit" | bluetoothctl

This script automatically powers on the Bluetooth, sets up the default agent, tries to pair and connect to the specified device, and then quits bluetoothctl.

Understanding bluetoothctl Commands:

  • power on: Turns the Bluetooth on the device.

  • agent on: Enables the agent that handles pairing requests.

  • default-agent: Sets the currently enabled agent as the default.

  • pair [device]: Pairs with the device specified by the MAC address.

  • connect [device]: Connects to the device specified by the MAC address.

  • quit: Exits bluetoothctl.

An Executable Example

The provided script illustrates a straightforward use of bluetoothctl in automation. Save the script as and grant it executable permissions:

chmod +x

Run the script (ensure you replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with the actual MAC address of your Bluetooth device):



Leveraging bluetoothctl in a non-interactive way can greatly simplify the process of managing Bluetooth devices in scripts. It opens up numerous possibilities for automating device setup and management in various applications, from personal automation to large-scale deployments. With bluetoothctl, your scripts can seamlessly communicate, pair, and manage Bluetooth operations without manual interaction, ensuring efficiency and streamlining your Bluetooth device management tasks.

Further Reading

For further reading on automating Bluetooth device management and using bluetoothctl effectively, consider the following resources:

  • BlueZ Official Documentation

    • Gain a deeper understanding of BlueZ, the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack, and its tools.
    • BlueZ Documentation
  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

  • Linux Bluetooth Stack Architecture

    • Explore the architecture and components of the Linux Bluetooth stack for a better understanding of how Bluetooth interacts with Linux.
    • Bluetooth Stack Overview
  • Automating Bluetooth in IoT Devices

    • Discover how Bluetooth automation is applied in IoT contexts, including practical applications and case studies.
    • IoT Bluetooth Automation
  • Non-Interactive Shell Scripting