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Top 10 Bash Commands Every New Linux User Should Learn

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Top 10 Bash Commands Every New Linux User Should Learn

If you're new to Linux and Bash, learning some essential commands is the best way to start. These commands will help you navigate the system, manage files, and perform basic tasks. Here’s a list of the top 10 commands every new Linux user should master:

1. ls – List Files and Directories

The ls command displays the contents of a directory.

  • Basic usage: bash ls
  • Common options:
    • ls -l: Long listing format (shows details like permissions and file sizes).
    • ls -a: Includes hidden files.
    • ls -lh: Displays file sizes in human-readable format.

2. cd – Change Directory

Navigate through the file system with the cd command.

  • Basic usage: bash cd /path/to/directory
  • Tips:
    • cd ..: Move up one directory.
    • cd ~: Go to your home directory.
    • cd -: Switch to the previous directory.

3. pwd – Print Working Directory

The pwd command shows the current directory you're working in.

  • Usage: bash pwd

4. touch – Create a New File

The touch command creates empty files.

  • Basic usage: bash touch filename.txt

5. cp – Copy Files and Directories

Use cp to copy files or directories.

  • Basic usage: bash cp source_file destination_file
  • Copy directories: bash cp -r source_directory destination_directory

6. mv – Move or Rename Files

The mv command moves or renames files and directories.

  • Move a file: bash mv file.txt /new/location/
  • Rename a file: bash mv old_name.txt new_name.txt

7. rm – Remove Files and Directories

The rm command deletes files and directories.

  • Basic usage: bash rm file.txt
  • Delete directories: bash rm -r directory_name
  • Important: Be cautious with rm as it permanently deletes files.

8. mkdir – Create Directories

The mkdir command creates new directories.

  • Basic usage: bash mkdir new_directory
  • Create parent directories: bash mkdir -p parent/child/grandchild

9. cat – View File Content

The cat command displays the content of a file.

  • Basic usage: bash cat file.txt
  • Combine files: bash cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

10. man – View Command Documentation

The man command shows the manual page for a given command.

  • Usage: bash man command_name
  • Example: bash man ls

Bonus Commands

  • echo: Prints text to the terminal or a file. bash echo "Hello, World!"
  • grep: Searches for patterns in text files. bash grep "search_term" file.txt
  • sudo: Runs commands with superuser privileges. bash sudo apt update

Tips for Learning Bash Commands

  1. Practice regularly: The more you use these commands, the easier they will become.
  2. Explore options: Many commands have useful flags; use man to learn about them.
  3. Be cautious with destructive commands: Commands like rm and sudo can have significant consequences.

With these commands, you'll be well on your way to mastering Linux and Bash!