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Navigating the Linux Filesystem

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After reading this document you should be able to identify why Linux defines its filesystem hierarchy in one big tree and explain the role of the filesystem hierarchy standard, explain what is available at boot in the root directory (/), explain each subdirectory purpose and typical contents. The aim here is to be able to create a working bash script which knows where to put its different data stores including lockfiles, database(s) or temporary files; including the script itself.

One Big Filesystem

As with all Linux installations there is a set protocol to follow which could be looked at as one big tree starting from its root, /. This often contains different access points not just typical file or folder components, but in fact mounted drives, USB or CD/DVD media volumes and so on. Even more adapt, these can span many partitions; as one filesystem. Regardless, the end result is one big filesystem, meaning applications generally do not care what volume or partition the data resides upon. The only drawback you may encounter is different naming conventions however there are now standards to follow in the Linux-ecosystem for cross-platform conformity.

Defining The Data

There has to be one method for defining all data in order to satisfy clear distinctions. Firstly, you may examine data and identify whether it is shareable or not. For instance, /home data may be shared across many hosts however .pid lock files will not. Another angle you may look at is are the files variable or static, meaning if no administrator input is given they will remain the same, ie. static - or else the data changes when the filesystem is in operation without human interaction hence it is called variable. With this in mind, you must identify which trees and sub-trees are accessible by your application or command prompt to identify if they can be manipulated at runtime and where they should reside if you are creating these filetypes.

To summarise:

  • Shared Data is Common To All Systems

  • Non-Shareable Data is Local To One System

  • Static Data Never Changes When Left Alone

  • Variable Data Will Change During Application Processing

The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard aims to help achieve unity across all platforms however different distributions can often invent new methodologies that will generally become standard over time. While the FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) publishes its standard new conventions are currently in play despite this document, see here:

/ Yes Primary directory of the entire filesystem hierarchy.
/bin Yes Essential executable programs that must be available in single user mode, including essential commands for managing files and directories such as 'ls', 'cd', and 'mkdir'.
/boot Yes Files needed to boot the system, such as the kernel, initrd or initramfs images, and boot configuration files and bootloader programs.
/dev Yes Device Nodes, used to interact with hardware and software devices.
/etc Yes System-wide configuration files essential for system management commands.
/home Yes User home directories, including personal settings, files, etc.
/lib Yes Libraries required by executable binaries in /bin and /sbin.
/lib64 No 64-bit libraries required by executable binaries in /bin and /sbin, for systems which can run both 32-bit and 64-bit programs.
/media Yes Mount points for removable media such as CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, etc.
/mnt Yes Temporarily mounted filesystems.
/opt Yes Optional application software packages.
/proc Yes Virtual pseudo-filesystem giving information about the system and processes running on it. Can be used to alter system parameters.
/sys No Virtual pseudo-filesystem giving information about the system and processes running on it. Can be used to alter system parameters. Similar to a device tree and is part of the Unified Device Model.
/root Yes Home directory for the root user.
/sbin Yes Essential system binaries.
/srv Yes Site-specific data served up by the system. Seldom used.
/tmp Yes Temporary files; on many distributions lost across a reboot and may be a ramdisk in memory.
/usr Yes Multi-user applications, utilities and data; theoretically read-only.
/var Yes Variable data that changes during system operation.

Run du --max-depth=1 -hx / to see the output of your root filesystem hierarchy.

The Root Directory (/)

Starting with our first directory, the root directory (/) this is often the access point mounted across multiple (or single) partitions with other locations such as /home, /var, and /opt mounted later. This root partition must contain all root directories and files at boot in order to serve the system. Therefore it needs boot loader information and configuration files plus other essential startup data, which must be adequate to perform the following operations:

  • Boot the system

  • Restore the system on external devices such as USB, CD/DVD, or NAS

  • Recover and/or repair the system (ie. in rescue mode)

The root directory / should never have folders created directly within it; period.

Binary Files (/bin)

  • The /bin directory must be present for a system to function containing scripts which are used indirectly by other scripts. It's important because non-privileged users and system administrators all have access to this directory plus it contains scripts needed to be served before the filesystem is even mounted. It is common place to store non-essential scripts which do not merit going in /bin to be served from /usr/bin, however /bin is becoming more acceptable to be used in common-place operation, in fact in RHEL they are the same directory. Often symbolic links are used from /bin to other folder locations in order to preserve two-way folder listings.

They are as follows: cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, cp, date, dd, df, dmesg, echo, false, hostname, kill, ln, login, ls, mkdir, mknod, more, mount, mv, ps, pwd, rm, rmdir, sed, sh, stty, su, sync, true, umount, and uname

Other binaries that may be present during boot up and in normal operation are: test, csh, ed, tar, cpio, gunzip, zcat, netstat, ping

The Boot Directory (/boot)

This folder contains the vmlinuz and initramfs (also known as initrd) files which are put there in order to serve the boot operation, the first is a compressed kernel and the second is the initial RAM filesystem. Other files include config and

Device Files (/dev)

Device files are often used to store device nodes; commonly serving various hardware references including nodes - network cards however are more likely to be named eth0 or wlan0 meaning they are referenced by name. The directory /dev will automatically create nodes using udev when system hardware is found. Quite aptly, ls /dev | grep std will show you some useful output references which can be used to process data either to the terminal or into the obis.

Configuration Files (/etc)

Used to contain config directives (or contained folders with config directives) for system-wide programs and more importantly system services.

Some examples are: csh.login, exports, fstab, ftpusers, gateways, gettydefs, group, host.conf, hosts.allow, hosts.deny, hosts.equiv, hosts.lpd, inetd.conf, inittab, issue,, motd, mtab, mtools.conf, networks, passwd, printcap, profile, protocols, resolv.conf, rpc, securetty, services, shells, syslog.conf

More crucially, the following helps keep the system correctly configured:

  • /etc/skel This folder contains the skeleton of any new users /home directory

  • /etc/systemd - Points to or contains configuration scripts for system services, called by service

  • /etc/init.d - Contains startup and shutdown scripts used by System V initialization

System Users (/home)

On Linux, users' working directories are given in the /home/{username} format and are typically named in a naming convention such as /home/admin, /home/projects, /home/staging, or /home/production. Typically, this could be their name or nickname or purpose, eg. /home/steve, /home/steve-work and so on.

With Linux, this folder can be accessed via the ~ symbol which is given to system users in order to direct the user to the currently logged-in user's home directory, eg. ls ~/new-folder etc; which is also accessible by using $HOME. The only caveat to this is that the root user is placed in /root - all other users reside in /home, typically mirroring /etc/skel as previously outlined. (see “Configuration Files (/etc)”)

System Libraries (/lib and /lib64)

These folders are for libraries serving binary files found in /bin or other locations where scripts are found. These libraries are important because they maintain the upkeep of essential system programs (binaries) which help boot the system and then are used by the system once booted, fundamentally. Kernel modules (device or system drivers) are stored in /lib/modules and PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) are stored in /lib/security.

For systems running 32bit and 64bit the /lib64 is usually present. More common place is to use one folder with symbolic links to the actual destination of the library, similar to how /bin has reformed back into one folder, providing the same structure with separation of differing program importance (using symbolic links) while maintaining the single source for all scripts of that type.

External Devices (/media)

The /media folder is often found to be a single source for all removable media. USB, CD, DVD even the ancient Floppy Disk Drive. Linux mounts these automatically using “udev” which in turn creates references inside /media making for simple access to external devices, autonomously. As the device is removed, the name of the file in this directory is removed also.

Temporary Mounts (/mnt)

This folder is used for mount points, usually temporary ones. During the development of the FHS, this would typically contain removable devices however /media is favored on modern systems.

Typical use scenarios are:

  • NFS

  • Samba

  • CIFS

  • AFS

Generically, this should not be used by applications, instead, mounted disks should be located elsewhere on the system.

Software Packages (/opt)

This location is where you would put system-wide software packages with everything included in one place. This is for services that want to provide everything in one place, so you would have /opt/project/bin etc. all in this folder. The directories /opt/bin, /opt/doc, /opt/include, /opt/info, /opt/lib, and /opt/man are saved for administrator usage.

System Processes (/proc)

These are special files which are mounted like with /dev and are constantly changing. They only contain data at the point you make the request, so typically a file may be 0kb but if you look, may contain many lines of data; this is accessed only when you run the cat or vi operation, it does indeed remain empty. Important pseudo files are /proc/interrupts, /proc/meminfo, /proc/mounts, and /proc/partitions.

System Filesystems (/sys)

This directory is the mount point for the sysfs pseudo-filesystem where all information resides only in memory, not on disk. This is again very much like /dev/ and /proc in that it contains mounted volumes which are created on system boot. Containing information about devices and drivers, kernel modules and so on.

Root (/root)

This is generally called “slash-root” pronounced phonetically and is simply the primary system administrator's home folder. Other user accounts are encouraged with specific access details for better security.

System Binaries (/sbin)

This is very similar to /bin and as mentioned may very well have symbolic link references inside /bin with the actual program residing here. This allows for a one-solution-fits-all because /bin will display all programs whereas /sbin would be designated to the programs listed there. Some of these programs include: fdisk, fsck, getty, halt, ifconfig, init, mkfs, mkswap, reboot, route, swapon, swapoff, and update.

System Services (/srv)

Popular for some administrators this is designed to provide system service functionality. You can be fairly lax with naming conventions here you may want to group applications into folders such as ftp, rsync, www, and CVS etc. Popular with those that use it and may be overlooked by those who don’t.

Temporary Files (/tmp)

Used by programs that do not want to keep the data between system boots and it may be periodically refreshed by the system. Use at your own discretion. Be aware as this is truly temporary data any large files may cause issues as often the information is stored in memory.

System User (/usr)

This should be thought of as a second system hierarchy. Containing non-local data it is best practice to serve administrator applications here and is often used for files and packages or software that is not needed for booting.

/usr/bin Non-essential command binaries
/usr/etc Non-essential configuration files (usually empty)
/usr/games Game data
/usr/include Header files used to compile applications
/usr/lib Library files
/usr/lib64 Library files for 64-bit
/usr/local Third-level hierarchy (for machine local files)
/usr/sbin Non-essential system binaries
/usr/share Read-only architecture-independent files
/usr/src Source code and headers for the Linux kernel
/usr/tmp Secondary temporary directory

Other common destinations are /usr/share/man and /usr/local, the former is for manual pages and the latter is for predominantly read-only binaries.

Variable Data (/var)

This directory is intended for variable (volatile) data and as such is often updated quite frequently. Contains log files, spool directories and files administrator files and transient files such as cache data.

/var/ftp Used for ftp server base
/var/lib Persistent data modified by programs as they run
/var/lock Lock files used to control simultaneous access to resources
/var/log Log files
/var/mail User mailboxes
/var/run Information about the running system since the last boot
/var/spool Tasks spooled or waiting to be processed, such as print queues
/var/tmp Temporary files to be preserved across system reboot. Sometimes linked to /tmp
/var/www Root for website hierarchies

Transient Files (/run)

These are meant to be files that are updated quite regularly and are not often maintained during reboots, useful for containing temporary files and runtime information. The use of run is quite new and you may find /var/run and /var/lock symbolic link references. The use of this is more common place in modern systems.

Further Reading

For those interested in deepening their understanding of the Linux filesystem and its navigation, the following resources offer comprehensive insights:

  • Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Explained: Delve into the structure, purposes, and examples of the Linux filesystem hierarchy. Linux File System Guide

  • Beginner's Guide to Linux Commands: This resource offers a robust tutorial on essential Linux commands for filesystem navigation, suitable for both newbies and refreshers. Linux Commands for Beginners

  • Detailed Overview of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS): Learn the standards that define the directory structures and directory contents in Unix-like operating systems. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Tackle creating efficient bash scripts to manage files and directories with this advanced guide. Advanced Bash-Scripting

  • Mounting and Managing Filesystems in Linux: Understand the technical details of mounting and managing filesystems, including remote and local storage devices. Linux Mounting Filesystems

These resources complement the contents of the foundational article by providing both entry-level tutorials and in-depth technical documents necessary for mastering Linux filesystem navigation and management.