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Match overlapping patterns with `grep -o` and lookarounds

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Using grep with Lookarounds to Match Overlapping Patterns in Linux Bash

When working with text processing in a Linux environment, grep is an indispensable tool. It allows you to search through text using powerful regular expressions. In this article, we'll explore how to use grep with lookahead and lookbehind assertions for matching overlapping patterns, which is particularly handy for complex text patterns.

Q1: What exactly does grep -o do?

A1: The -o option in grep tells it to only output the parts of a line that directly match the pattern. Without this option, grep would return the entire line in which the pattern occurs. This is particularly useful when you want to isolate all instances of a matching pattern.

Q2: Can you explain what lookarounds are in regex?

A2: Lookarounds in regex are zero-width assertions that check for patterns before or after your main pattern without including them in the match. They are categorized into lookaheads and lookbehinds:

  • Lookahead: Asserts that a specific sequence of characters follows (positive lookahead (?=...)) or does not follow (negative lookahead (?!...)) a certain point in the search text.

  • Lookbehind: Asserts that a specific sequence of characters precedes (positive lookbehind (?<=...)) or does not precede (negative lookbehind (?<!...)) a certain point in the search text.

Q3: How can I use grep with lookarounds to match overlapping patterns?

A3: Normally, grep does not support lookaround assertions because it uses a POSIX regex engine. However, you can achieve this functionality by using grep with the -P option, which allows the use of Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE).

Example: Suppose you want to find all overlapping occurrences of 'ab' in the string 'cabcab'. Using grep -oP:

echo 'cabcab' | grep -oP '(?=(ab))'

This will output:


Here, (?=(ab)) is a positive lookahead containing the pattern 'ab'. It matches a position preceding 'ab'.

Background on the Topic: More Examples and Explanations

Understanding grep with -o and lookarounds can be enhanced by additional examples:

Simple Email Matcher:

echo '' | grep -oP '(?<=@)[^ ]+'

This command extracts the domain part of the email after '@'.

Complex Word Boundaries:

echo 'root rotor rotation' | grep -oP 'rot(?=or)'

This finds occurrences of 'rot' only when it precedes 'or'.

Installing Necessary Software

To use grep with PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions) you need grep with -P option. Below, you’ll find how to ensure your version of grep supports this, across different Linux distributions.

Debian/Ubuntu (Using apt):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install grep

Fedora (Using dnf):

sudo dnf install grep

openSUSE (Using zypper):

sudo zypper install grep

Make sure that your version of grep supports -P by running grep --version. This option is usually enabled in most grep installations by default.


By mastering grep with -o and lookarounds, you can perform more powerful and precise text processing tasks. This capability extends significantly the kind of text patterns you can match, making grep an even more valuable tool in your scripting and command-line toolkit. Remember to always check your specific grep version's documentation as there might be slight differences in regex engine support.

Further Reading

For readers interested in diving deeper into text processing and regex using grep, some further resources include:

These resources provide additional details and cover broader applications, aiding both beginner and advanced users in mastering text processing in Linux environments.