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Mastering the sed Command for Stream Editing

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Mastering the sed Command for Stream Editing

The sed (stream editor) command is a powerful tool in Bash for performing basic text transformations on an input stream (such as a file or output from a command). It allows you to automate the editing of text files, making it an essential skill for anyone working with Linux or Unix-like systems. Here's a guide to mastering the sed command for stream editing.

1. Basic Syntax of sed

The basic syntax of the sed command is:

sed 'operation' filename

Where operation is the action you want to perform on the file or input stream. Some common operations include substitution, deletion, and insertion.

2. Substitution with sed

One of the most common uses of sed is to substitute one string with another. This is done using the s (substitute) operation.

Basic Syntax for Substitution:

sed 's/pattern/replacement/' filename
  • Example: Replace "cat" with "dog" bash sed 's/cat/dog/' myfile.txt This will replace the first occurrence of "cat" on each line with "dog."

Substitute All Occurrences on a Line:

By default, sed only replaces the first occurrence of the pattern on each line. To replace all occurrences, use the g (global) flag.

  • Example: Replace all occurrences of "cat" with "dog": bash sed 's/cat/dog/g' myfile.txt

3. Using Regular Expressions with sed

You can use regular expressions to match complex patterns in sed. This allows for more powerful substitutions and manipulations.

  • Example: Replace all digits with a #: bash sed 's/[0-9]/#/g' myfile.txt

Extended Regular Expressions:

Use the -E option to enable extended regular expressions (ERE) for more advanced pattern matching.

  • Example: Replace "cat" or "dog" with "animal": bash sed -E 's/(cat|dog)/animal/g' myfile.txt

4. In-place Editing with -i Option

To modify the file directly instead of printing the output to the terminal, use the -i option. This performs the changes "in place."

  • Example: Replace "cat" with "dog" directly in the file: bash sed -i 's/cat/dog/g' myfile.txt

Caution: Using -i will overwrite the original file. To create a backup, you can specify an extension, like -i.bak, which will create a backup file before making changes.

  • Example: Create a backup before modifying the file: bash sed -i.bak 's/cat/dog/g' myfile.txt

5. Deleting Lines with sed

You can delete lines in a file using sed with the d (delete) operation. You can specify lines by number, pattern, or regular expression.

  • Example: Delete the 2nd line of the file:

    sed '2d' myfile.txt
  • Example: Delete lines containing the word "cat":

    sed '/cat/d' myfile.txt
  • Example: Delete all blank lines:

    sed '/^$/d' myfile.txt

6. Inserting and Appending Text with sed

You can insert or append text to a specific line using the i (insert) and a (append) operations, respectively.

  • Example: Insert text before line 2:

    sed '2i This is an inserted line' myfile.txt
  • Example: Append text after line 2:

    sed '2a This is an appended line' myfile.txt

7. Multiple Commands in One sed Execution

You can perform multiple sed commands in one line by separating them with -e or using semicolons.

  • Example: Replace "cat" with "dog" and delete lines containing "fish":

    sed -e 's/cat/dog/g' -e '/fish/d' myfile.txt
  • Example: Perform multiple actions on the same line:

    sed 's/cat/dog/g; s/bird/fish/g' myfile.txt

8. Using sed with Pipes

sed can be used in conjunction with pipes to process the output of other commands.

  • Example: Replace "apple" with "orange" in the output of a command:

    echo "apple banana apple" | sed 's/apple/orange/g'
  • Example: Process the output of ls and replace spaces with underscores:

    ls | sed 's/ /_/g'

9. Printing Specific Lines with sed

You can print specific lines from a file using the p (print) command in sed.

  • Example: Print the first 3 lines:

    sed -n '1,3p' myfile.txt
  • Example: Print every line containing the word "cat":

    sed -n '/cat/p' myfile.txt

10. Using sed for Substitution Across Multiple Lines

While sed primarily works line by line, you can use it for multi-line substitutions with advanced patterns.

  • Example: Replace the first two occurrences of "apple" on two lines: bash sed '1,2s/apple/orange/g' myfile.txt


The sed command is an essential tool for stream editing in Bash. It allows you to automate text transformations, such as substitution, deletion, insertion, and more, making it an invaluable skill for anyone working with text files or logs. By mastering sed, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your shell scripting and text processing tasks.

Further Reading

For further reading on using sed and related command-line tools, here are some resources:

These resources provide instructions ranging from basic to advanced usage, enhancing your proficiency in stream editing and text manipulation on the command line.