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How to Use `cut` to Extract Columns

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How to Use cut to Extract Columns: A Guide for Command-Line Mastery

Working within the Unix-like command-line environments (like those in Linux and MacOS), you often encounter tasks that involve large volumes of text data—ranging from system log files to data science datasets in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. One of the essential tools for efficiently handling such tasks is the cut command. cut is used to extract sections of lines of files and is incredibly useful for simplifying data column-wise. Let's explore how to effectively use cut to manage and manipulate data extracts.

What is the cut Command?

The cut command is a Unix command line utility for cutting out sections from each line of files and writing the result to standard output. It can be used to extract text columns from a text file or data piped from another command.

Why Use cut?

When working with data files or outputs that have a defined delimiter (e.g., spaces, tabs, commas), cut allows you to selectively display the information that is relevant to your needs, without the need to open the file in a text editor. This is particularly useful for large files that can be cumbersome to handle in full.

Basic Syntax of cut

The basic syntax for the cut command is as follows:

cut OPTION... [FILE]...

Here, OPTION... could involve specifying delimiters, fields, and other options. [FILE]... is one or more files that you want to apply the command to. When no file is specified, cut reads from the standard input.

Using cut to Extract Columns

1. Specifying Delimiters

To extract columns, you first need to define the delimiter that separates the columns using the -d option. For CSV files, the delimiter is a comma:

cut -d',' -f1 filename.csv

This command extracts the first column from filename.csv.

For text files where fields are delimited by tabs (common in many Unix-like systems), you can use:

cut -f1 filename.txt

Since tab is the default delimiter, specifying -d is not necessary.

2. Selecting Fields

The -f (fields) option is used to specify which columns to extract. You can select multiple fields and a range of fields:

cut -d',' -f1,3,5 filename.csv
cut -d',' -f1-3 filename.csv

The first command extracts columns 1, 3, and 5, while the second extracts a range of columns from 1 to 3.

3. Combining with Other Commands

cut can be very powerful when combined with other Unix commands. For example, using cut with grep:

grep "pattern" filename.txt | cut -f2

This would first filter lines containing "pattern" from filename.txt and then extract the second column from the filtered lines.

4. Handling Delimiters with Spaces

If your fields are separated by spaces, and the number of spaces varies, you might need to preprocess the file or data stream to convert spaces to a uniform delimiter using tr or similar tools.

cat filename | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2

tr -s ' ' squeezes consecutive spaces so that the delimiters become uniform, making it easier for cut to process.


The cut command is a simple yet powerful tool for column-wise data extraction in Unix-like systems. Whether you're working with data analysis, system administration, or just trying to extract specific data from logs or files, understanding how to utilize cut effectively can significantly enhance your productivity and effectiveness in handling command-line tasks.

As always, practice is key to mastery. Start using cut in your day-to-day command-line activities, and you'll find it indispensible for quick text manipulations and data insights. Happy cutting!

Further Reading

For further reading on Unix commands and text manipulation, consider the following resources:

  • Understanding the cut Command in Unix/Linux: This page provides a more in-depth exploration of the cut command, including its options and use cases. Linuxize cut Tutorial

  • Advanced Text Manipulations with Unix Tools: Explore advanced techniques for text processing using cut, awk, sed, and more. IBM Developer Unix Text Tools

  • Practical Examples of Unix Commands for Data Processing: This guide offers practical examples and tips on using Unix commands effectively for data analysis. GeeksForGeeks Unix for Data Science

  • How to Combine cut with Other Unix Commands: Learn how to integrate cut with grep, awk, and other commands for more complex text manipulations. OSTechNix On Combining Commands

  • Guide to Using tr with cut for Text Manipulation: This tutorial explains how to use the tr command in conjunction with cut for handling varying spaces and delimiters. The Geek Diary tr and cut

These articles will enhance your understanding and proficiency in using Unix command-line tools for text processing and data manipulation tasks.