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Handle `SIGCHLD` to asynchronously monitor child processes

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Blog Article: Handling SIGCHLD for Asynchronous Monitoring of Child Processes in Linux Bash

Welcome to another deep dive into the Linux operating system’s bash capabilities, where we focus today on handling the SIGCHLD signal to monitor child processes asynchronously. By understanding and using SIGCHLD, you can enhance your scripts to manage child processes more effectively, particularly in complex bash scripts involving multiple child processes.

Question and Answer

Q1: What is SIGCHLD?

A1: SIGCHLD is a signal sent to a parent process whenever one of its child processes terminates or stops. The primary use of this signal is to notify the parent about changes in the status of its child processes.

Q2: Why is SIGCHLD important in bash scripting?

A2: In bash scripting, handling the SIGCHLD signal allows you to perform clean-up operations or further processing once a child process completes. It helps in managing resources efficiently and ensures that the parent process is informed about the state of its child processes.

Q3: How can I handle SIGCHLD in a bash script?

A3: You can handle SIGCHLD by defining a signal handler in your bash script. This is a function that gets called when the signal is received. You set up this handler using the trap bash built-in command.

Background: Handling SIGCHLD in Bash

To handle signals in bash, such as SIGCHLD, the trap command is used. This command allows you to specify a piece of code or a function that executes in response to various signals or when certain system events occur.

For instance, consider a scenario where a bash script starts several child processes. Normally, the script might proceed without waiting for these processes to finish, but with SIGCHLD handling, the script can be notified about each child process's completion and perform necessary actions promptly.

Simple Example with Explanations

Here’s a simple script demonstrating SIGCHLD handling:


# Function to handle SIGCHLD
function on_child_exit {
    echo "Child process $1 has completed"

# Set up SIGCHLD trap
trap 'on_child_exit $!' SIGCHLD

# Start a background process
sleep 5 &
echo "Started a background process with PID $!"

# Continue with other script operations
for i in {1..5}; do
    echo "Main script running: iteration $i"
    sleep 1

wait # Optionally wait for all background jobs to finish
echo "Script completed."

In this script:

  • A function called on_child_exit is defined to handle SIGCHLD. The special variable $! gives the PID of the last job run in the background.

  • The trap command then sets this function as the handler for SIGCHLD.

  • A background process is started with sleep 5 &, and its PID is printed.

  • The main part of the script prints a message in a loop while potentially doing other work.

  • wait is used at the end of the script to ensure all children have finished before the script exits.

An Executable Script Demonstrating SIGCHLD

Here’s a more practical script demonstrating the usefulness of handling SIGCHLD:


function clean_up {
    echo "Cleaning up after PID $1"
    # Placeholder for cleanup commands

trap 'clean_up $!' SIGCHLD

# Start multiple background processes
for i in {1..3}; do
    sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 10 )  + 1 )) &
    echo "Started background process $i with PID $!"

echo "Waiting for all child processes to complete..."
echo "All child processes have completed."

# Main script concludes
echo "Main script operations can proceed now."


Handling SIGCHLD in bash scripts is a powerful technique for managing child processes. It allows scripts to respond to the termination of child processes asynchronously, which is particularly useful in scenarios where the parent needs to clean up resources or initialize subsequent steps. As illustrated, SIGCHLD can be effectively managed through careful setup of signal traps and handlers, significantly enhancing the robustness of bash scripts in managing child processes.

Mastering this aspect of bash scripting can lead to more efficient and reliable scripts, particularly important in system administration, process management, and automation tasks.

Further Reading

For further reading on handling SIGCHLD and bash scripting techniques, consider these resources:

  1. GNU Bash Manual - Signal Handling:

  2. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide - Process Control:

  3. IBM Developer - Understanding Linux Signals:

  4. Stack Overflow - How to trap the SIGCHLD signal in bash:

  5. Linux Programmer's Manual - SIGCHLD(7):

These materials offer a variety of perspectives and depths, suitable for both beginners and advanced users interested in Linux bash scripting and process management.