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Filesystem Labels and UUIDs

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Understanding Filesystem Labels and UUIDs in Linux

In the vast expanse of Linux, mastering how to efficiently manage and reference filesystems is crucial for any system administrator, developer or Linux enthusiast. Two key concepts that play a vital role in this are filesystem labels and UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers). Both offer alternative methods to the traditional practice of using device names like /dev/sda1. In this article, we will delve into what filesystem labels and UUIDs are, why they are used, and how you can work with them to streamline your system management.

What are Filesystem Labels and UUIDs?

Filesystem Labels: A filesystem label is a human-readable name associated with a filesystem, which can be used to reference the filesystem. Labels can be especially useful when you have multiple drives and partitions and don’t want to remember which is which. For example, instead of remembering that /dev/sda2 is your backup drive, you could label it as BackupDrive.

UUIDs: A UUID is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify a device in the system. Unlike device names which can change each time the system boots or when new hard drives are added, UUIDs are fixed as long as the filesystem doesn't get reformatted. UUIDs provide a sure-shot way of referencing a device without ambiguity, which is why they are often recommended for use in mount configurations in the /etc/fstab file.

Why Use Labels and UUIDs?

The primary reason for using filesystem labels and UUIDs over traditional device names (/dev/sdX) is stability. Device names can change depending on the order in which the system recognizes the drives during boot. This could lead to errors or system failures if the fstab file has entries based on these names. For example, if you have a script that backs up data to /dev/sda1, and this device name changes, your backup script will fail.

On the other hand, UUIDs and labels remain constant, which makes them reliable identifiers for persistent disk referencing, hence decreasing potential system errors and increasing robustness.

How to Work with Labels and UUIDs

Viewing UUIDs and Labels: To see the UUIDs and labels associated with the disks on your system, you can use the blkid command:

sudo blkid

This will display a list of all block devices and their associated UUIDs and labels, if they have them.

Setting a Filesystem Label: To set or change a label, you can use the e2label command for ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems:

sudo e2label /dev/sda1 new_label

For other file systems, like xfs or btrfs, tools like xfs_admin or btrfs filesystem label can be used respectively.

Using UUIDs and Labels in /etc/fstab: To use UUIDs or labels in the fstab file /etc/fstab, you can substitute the device name with the UUID:

UUID=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 /mount/point ext4 defaults 0 2

or the label:

LABEL=new_label /mount/point ext4 defaults 0 2

Using UUIDs or labels in your fstab file improves the reliability of the mount points upon system boots and hardware changes.

Best Practices

  1. Backup Configurations: Always backup your fstab file before making changes.
  2. Label Consistency: Use meaningful label names and ensure they are unique.
  3. Regular Checks: Regularly check the UUIDs and labels integrity using tools like tune2fs.


Understanding and utilizing filesystem labels and UUIDs proficiently can significantly reduce headaches associated with disk management in Linux. Whether you're mounting new drives, scripting automated backups, or managing persistent storage, these tools are indispensable for modern system administration. Make sure to integrate them into your practice to benefit from a more stable and manageable system environment.