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Creating and Using Bash Aliases for Faster Commands

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Creating and Using Bash Aliases for Faster Commands

A Bash alias is a shortcut for a longer command or a sequence of commands. Aliases help improve productivity by saving time and effort. Here's a guide to creating and using Bash aliases:

1. Temporary Aliases

Temporary aliases are created in the current shell session and last until the terminal is closed.


alias alias_name='command'


  • Create a short alias for listing files: bash alias ll='ls -al'
  • Create an alias to navigate to a frequently used directory: bash alias docs='cd ~/Documents'
  • Create an alias to remove files without confirmation: bash alias rmf='rm -rf'

Using Temporary Aliases:

Once created, type the alias name to execute the command:

ll    # Equivalent to 'ls -al'
docs  # Changes directory to ~/Documents

2. Permanent Aliases

To make aliases persist across sessions, add them to your shell's configuration file. The most common file is ~/.bashrc, but it could also be ~/.bash_profile or another file depending on your system setup.

Steps to Create Permanent Aliases:

  1. Open your shell configuration file: bash vi ~/.bashrc
  2. Add the alias definition at the end of the file: bash alias ll='ls -al' alias docs='cd ~/Documents' alias gs='git status'
  3. Save and exit the file.
  4. Reload the configuration file to apply changes: bash source ~/.bashrc

3. Viewing Existing Aliases

To see all active aliases in the current shell session, use:


If you want to check the definition of a specific alias:

alias alias_name


alias ll
# Output: alias ll='ls -al'

4. Removing an Alias

To remove a temporary alias in the current session, use:

unalias alias_name


unalias ll

To remove a permanent alias, delete its definition from ~/.bashrc and reload the configuration:

vi ~/.bashrc
# Delete the alias definition, then:
source ~/.bashrc

5. Advanced Alias Tips

  • Use Parameters with Functions:
    If you need an alias that accepts arguments, use a shell function instead:

    myfunction() {
    ls -l "$1"
    alias ll='myfunction'
  • Chaining Commands in Aliases:
    Combine multiple commands using && or ;:

    alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y'
  • Conditional Aliases:
    Add logic to aliases by wrapping them in functions:

    alias checkdisk='df -h && du -sh *'

6. Examples of Useful Aliases

  • Simplify ls commands: bash alias l='ls -CF' alias la='ls -A' alias ll='ls -alF'
  • Git shortcuts: bash alias gs='git status' alias ga='git add .' alias gc='git commit -m' alias gp='git push'
  • Networking: bash alias myip='curl' alias pingg='ping'
  • Custom cleanup command: bash alias clean='rm -rf ~/.cache/* && sudo apt autoremove -y'


Using aliases can greatly speed up your workflow by reducing repetitive typing. Start with simple aliases for your most-used commands and progressively add more as you identify opportunities to save time. With permanent aliases, you’ll have a customized environment that boosts efficiency every time you open the terminal.