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Creating a System Health Check Bash Script
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A system health check Bash script can be used to monitor the status of critical components like CPU, memory, disk usage, and services. Here's how to create one:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Define the Script Purpose
The script will:
Check CPU usage.
Monitor memory usage.
Report disk space usage.
Verify running services.
Log the results.
Optionally, send notifications.
2. Create the Script
Here’s an example of a health check script:
# Configuration
SERVICES=("nginx" "mysql" "ssh")
# Ensure the log file exists
touch $LOGFILE
echo "System Health Check - $(date)" >> $LOGFILE
echo "---------------------------------" >> $LOGFILE
# CPU Usage
CPU_USAGE=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2 + $4}')
echo "CPU Usage: $CPU_USAGE%" >> $LOGFILE
if (( $(echo "$CPU_USAGE > $THRESHOLD_CPU" | bc -l) )); then
echo "WARNING: High CPU usage detected!" >> $LOGFILE
# Memory Usage
MEM_USAGE=$(free | awk '/Mem:/ {printf("%.2f"), $3/$2 * 100.0}')
echo "Memory Usage: $MEM_USAGE%" >> $LOGFILE
if (( $(echo "$MEM_USAGE > $THRESHOLD_MEM" | bc -l) )); then
echo "WARNING: High memory usage detected!" >> $LOGFILE
# Disk Usage
DISK_USAGE=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%//')
echo "Disk Usage: $DISK_USAGE%" >> $LOGFILE
echo "WARNING: High disk usage detected!" >> $LOGFILE
# Check Services
echo "Service Status:" >> $LOGFILE
for SERVICE in "${SERVICES[@]}"; do
if systemctl is-active --quiet $SERVICE; then
echo "$SERVICE is running." >> $LOGFILE
echo "WARNING: $SERVICE is not running!" >> $LOGFILE
# Log completion
echo "Health check completed at $(date)." >> $LOGFILE
echo "---------------------------------" >> $LOGFILE
# Optional: Send an alert if there are warnings
if grep -q "WARNING" $LOGFILE; then
echo "System Health Check completed with warnings. Check the log at $LOGFILE"
# Uncomment to send email (requires mail setup)
# mail -s "System Health Warning" admin@example.com < $LOGFILE
3. Make the Script Executable
Save the script as health_check.sh
and make it executable:
chmod +x health_check.sh
4. Automate with Cron
Schedule the script to run periodically:
1. Edit the crontab:
crontab -e
2. Add a cron job (e.g., every hour):
0 * * * * /path/to/health_check.sh
5. Customizations
Email Notifications
Send an email if warnings are detected:
grep "WARNING" $LOGFILE | mail -s "System Health Alert" admin@example.com
Check Additional Metrics
Network Latency:
ping -c 1 google.com | awk -F'=' '/time=/{print $NF}'
Specific Port Availability:
nc -zv localhost 80
Custom Services or Processes: Replace
checks withpgrep
for non-systemd environments:pgrep -x "service_name" > /dev/null && echo "Running" || echo "Not running"
Log Rotation
Rotate logs to prevent excessive file growth:
if [ $(wc -l < $LOGFILE) -gt $LOGFILE_MAX_LINES ]; then
mv $LOGFILE "${LOGFILE}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
touch $LOGFILE
6. Test the Script
Run the script manually to ensure it works:
7. Example Output
Sample log:
System Health Check - Fri Jan 5 15:45:23 UTC 2025
CPU Usage: 45.5%
Memory Usage: 76.34%
Disk Usage: 85%
Service Status:
nginx is running.
mysql is not running!
ssh is running.
Health check completed at Fri Jan 5 15:45:23 UTC 2025.
This script can be expanded and tailored to your specific monitoring needs. Let me know if you’d like to add any additional checks or features!
Further Reading
For those interested in expanding their knowledge on Bash scripting and system monitoring, the following resources provide additional information and more advanced guidance:
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
- Explore extensive tutorials and examples for writing efficient Bash scripts.
- URL: https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
Tutorial on Monitoring System Resources using Bash:
- A step-by-step tutorial on creating scripts to monitor system resources effectively.
- URL: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/shell-script-to-watch-the-disk-space.html
Cron Jobs for Beginners:
- Learn how to schedule tasks with cron, covering basics to advanced examples.
- URL: https://opensource.com/article/17/11/how-use-cron-linux
Linux System Monitoring Tools:
- Overview of tools available in Linux for monitoring system performance and health.
- URL: https://www.tecmint.com/command-line-tools-to-monitor-linux-performance/
Creating and Managing Systemd Services:
- Learn how to manage system services using systemd, which is crucial for checking service status in scripts.
- URL: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units
These resources will provide both foundational and intricate knowledge applicable to various scenarios in system monitoring and management using Bash scripting.