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Bypass `SIGINT` (Ctrl+C) blocking during critical sections using `trap '' INT`

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Blog Article: Managing SIGINT in Linux Shell Scripts

In Linux, handling signals such as SIGINT (signal interrupt) can be crucial, especially when writing scripts that involve critical operations which should not be interrupted. In this blog, we'll explore how to manage these situations using the trap command in Bash scripting.

Q&A: Bypassing SIGINT during Critical Sections in Bash

Q: What is SIGINT in Linux?

A: SIGINT is a signal in Unix-like systems that the kernel sends to a foreground process when the user types an interrupt character (usually Ctrl+C). This signal tells the application to stop running.

Q: How can I block SIGINT in a shell script?

A: You can block SIGINT by trapping the signal and assigning an empty string as its handler during a critical section in your Bash script. You can do this using the syntax trap '' INT.

Q: What do you mean by a "critical section"?

A: A critical section in the context of a shell script refers to a part of the script where interruptions could lead to corrupted data, incomplete operations, or inconsistent states.

Q: Can you provide a simple example of using trap to block SIGINT?

A: Certainly! Here’s a straightforward example:


trap '' INT    # Disable SIGINT

echo "Entering critical section, press Ctrl+C now, it won't stop the script."
sleep 5        # Mimicking a critical operation

trap - INT     # Re-enable SIGINT
echo "Exiting critical section, now you can stop the script with Ctrl+C."
sleep 5

echo "Script completed."

Background and More Examples

Signal handling in Bash scripts is managed with the trap command. It's used to specify a script or a command to execute on various signals and other conditions. Here are some simple examples and further explanations:

Example 1: Simple Signal Handling

This example shows basic handling of SIGINT.


handle_sigint() {
    echo "Caught SIGINT. Exiting gracefully."

trap handle_sigint INT

echo "Script is running. Try pressing Ctrl+C."
sleep 10

Example 2: Multiple Signal Trapping

You can also trap multiple signals at once, performing the same or different actions for each.


cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up resources..."
    echo "Done."

trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM

echo "Running script; you can try stopping it with Ctrl+C."
sleep 10

In the above script, whether the script exits normally, or is interrupted by SIGINT or SIGTERM, the cleanup function is called.

Demonstrative Executable Script

To see trap '' INT in action, here’s a script that manages SIGINT during a simulated critical operation.


# Function to handle clean exit
exit_normally() {
    echo "Exited normally."

# Disable SIGINT and set cleanup for other exits
trap '' INT
trap exit_normally EXIT

echo "Starting critical operation... (try pressing Ctrl+C)"
sleep 10  # Simulate long-running operation

# Re-enable SIGINT handling
trap - INT

echo "Critical operation finished. You can now interrupt with Ctrl+C or wait for completion."
sleep 5   # Post-operation phase

echo "Script completed."


Understanding and properly managing Linux signals is essential for writing robust Bash scripts, especially when dealing with operations that shouldn't be interrupted. Using the trap command, you can effectively control how your script responds to SIGINT and ensure that your critical sections complete gracefully. Remember, while trapping signals can be very powerful, it's important to ensure that your script eventually allows for a graceful exit to avoid unresponsive scripts. Happy scripting!

Further Reading

Here are five further reading examples to dive deeper into signal handling in Linux shell scripting and advanced Bash techniques:

  1. GNU Bash Manual on Signal Handling
    Understand signal trapping directly from the source with examples and explanations.

  2. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Chapter 11, Signals and Traps
    A detailed guide on how to use signals and traps in Bash scripting for more complex scenarios.

  3. Linux Signal Handling – Basics to Advanced
    A learning resource that covers everything from basic to advanced concepts in signal handling.

  4. Trapping Errors in Bash Scripts
    Learn how trap command is used to handle not only signals but also script errors and unexpected behaviors.

  5. Understanding Linux Signals
    This article provides insight into what signals are, along with practical examples of different signal handling in Bash.

These resources range from beginner guides to more advanced discussions on handling signals and traps in Bash scripting.