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Adjust screen backlight brightness via `/sys/class/backlight/`

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Adjusting Screen Backlight Brightness in Linux Using /sys/class/backlight

Many Linux users prefer a hands-on approach to managing their devices, including adjusting the screen's backlight brightness directly from the command line. This is particularly useful when working in environments without a graphical user interface (GUI) or when you want to streamline your applications to work more efficiently in terms of power management. Here, we discuss how to manage backlight brightness in Linux through the /sys/class/backlight interface.

Q&A on Adjusting Backlight Brightness in Linux

Q1: What is /sys/class/backlight?

A1: The /sys/class/backlight directory in Linux is part of the sysfs filesystem, which provides a way for the kernel to expose information about various kernel devices and drivers to user space. This directory typically contains one or more subdirectories corresponding to different backlight interfaces available on your system, such as intel_backlight or acpi_video0.

Q2: How do I check the current brightness level?

A2: You can check the current brightness level by reading the value in the brightness file within the appropriate subdirectory under /sys/class/backlight. For example:

cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

Q3: How can I find out the maximum brightness level?

A3: Every backlight interface has a max_brightness file that specifies the maximum allowable brightness value. You can view this value with a command like:

cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness

Q4: How do I change the brightness level?

A4: To change the brightness, you need write privileges to the brightness file in the appropriate subdirectory. You can set the brightness value (within the allowed range) with a command like:

echo 500 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

Make sure you use a value that is less than or equal to the number you found in max_brightness.

Understanding and Using /sys/class/backlight More Effectively

The files within /sys/class/backlight/<interface>/ (where <interface> might be something like intel_backlight) are directly connected to the hardware attributes they represent. Here are simplified examples and explanations:

  • Reading Current State: Commands like cat /path/to/attribute allow us to view the current state of system attributes.

  • Modifying Attributes: Using echo <value> > /path/to/attribute, we can modify attributes, provided we have the necessary permissions and stay within safety ranges.

Sample Script to Adjust Backlight Brightness

Here is a simple Bash script that prompts the user for a desired brightness level and adjusts it accordingly:


# Define backlight path

# Get max brightness
max_brightness=$(cat "${backlight_path}max_brightness")

# Prompt user for desired brightness level
read -p "Enter desired brightness level (1 to $max_brightness): " desired_brightness

# Check if input is a number and if it lies within the permissible range
if ! [[ "$desired_brightness" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "$desired_brightness" -lt 1 ] || [ "$desired_brightness" -gt "$max_brightness" ]; then
    echo "Error: Please enter a valid brightness level from 1 to $max_brightness."
    # Set the brightness
    echo $desired_brightness | sudo tee "${backlight_path}brightness"
    echo "Brightness set to $desired_brightness."


Managing backlight brightness through /sys/class/backlight provides a powerful tool for Linux users who wish to take fine-grained control over their hardware or automate tasks efficiently. The key is understanding the interface provided under /sys/class/backlight and responsibly managing device settings. Remember, improper values can literally be hard on the eyes, so caution is advised. By leveraging bash scripts, changes in brightness can be seamlessly integrated into other system management tasks, enhancing user control and power management strategies.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you might find useful for delving deeper into backlight brightness adjustment and related topics in Linux:

These resources provide a thorough background for both beginners and advanced users interested in Linux system management and customization.